What is electrostatic disinfection?

Nearly 10% of all American homes and businesses paid a professional service to clean their homes and offices.

It can be hard to keep your office clean, especially if you have a lot of surfaces that are difficult to reach or clean.

Not only is it important to keep your office clean for aesthetic reasons, but it's also important for your health. Germs and bacteria can easily spread in an unclean environment.

Electrostatic disinfection is the solution to all your cleaning needs. Keep reading to find out exactly what electrostatic disinfection is, how it works, and the benefits it will have on your office.

What is electrostatic disinfection?

Electrostatic disinfection is a process of applying an electrical charge to a cleaning solution, which then bonds to surfaces and kills bacteria and viruses on contact. This type of disinfection is often used in healthcare settings because it is highly effective at preventing the spread of infection.

How does electrostatic disinfection work?

Electrostatic disinfection works by first charging the cleaning solution with an electrical charge. The solution is then sprayed onto surfaces using an electrostatic sprayer. The charged particles in the solution are attracted to surfaces, where they bond and kill bacteria and viruses on contact.

This type of disinfection is often used in healthcare settings because it is highly effective at preventing the spread of infection. Electrostatic disinfection has been shown to reduce the spread of healthcare-associated infections by up to 90%.

Benefits of electrostatic disinfection

Now that you know what electrostatic disinfection is, let's take a look at some of the benefits of using this type of cleaning method:

1. Electrostatic disinfection is highly effective

As the healthcare industry has become more aware of the importance of preventing the spread of infection, a growing number of facilities are turning to electrostatic disinfection. Studies have shown that this technology can be up to 90% effective in reducing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

That means that if you implement electrostatic disinfection in your office, you can help to keep your employees healthy and reduce the risk of infection.

In addition, electrostatic disinfection is a safe and environmentally friendly way to clean surfaces, making it an ideal choice for any business that is looking to improve its infection control protocol.

2. Electrostatic disinfection is safe

Electrostatic disinfection is a safe and effective way to clean surfaces. The electrical charge used to bond the cleaning solution to surfaces is safe and will not harm humans or animals.

This makes electrostatic disinfection an ideal choice for cleaning hospitals and other healthcare settings. In addition, electrostatic disinfection is also effective at killing bacteria and viruses.

This makes it an excellent choice for Disinfecting high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and countertops. As a result, electrostatic disinfection is a safe and effective way to clean surfaces and prevent the spread of illness.

3. Electrostatic disinfection is easy to use

Electrostatic cleaning is easy to use and requires no special training. You can use electrostatic disinfection in your office by simply purchasing an electrostatic sprayer and a cleaning solution.

The sprayer will create a charged mist that will adhere to surfaces and kill bacteria and viruses. This type of cleaning is ideal for high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and keyboards.

Electrostatic cleaning is also more effective than traditional cleaning methods because the charge helps the solution penetrate hard-to-reach places. As a result, electrostatic disinfection is an ideal way to keep your office clean and safe.

4. Electrostatic disinfection is affordable

Electrostatic disinfection is a cost-effective way to keep your office clean. You can purchase an electrostatic sprayer and cleaning solution for a reasonable price, and you will not need to hire a professional cleaner.

The electrostatic sprayer creates an electrical charge that attracts commercial cleaning solution particles to surfaces, making it easier to cover hard-to-reach areas.

The solutions used in electrostatic disinfection are also safe for use around people and pets, so you can rest assured that your office will be clean and sanitary.

5. Electrostatic disinfection is convenient

Electrostatic disinfection is a fast and convenient way to clean surfaces in your office. You can quickly and easily spray surfaces with the electrostatic sprayer, and you do not need to wait for the solution to dry.

This makes it a great option for busy offices where there is not always time for traditional cleaning methods. In addition, electrostatic disinfection is more effective than other methods of killing germs and bacteria.

This is because the electrically-charged solution attracted surfaces more easily, ensuring that more germs are killed. As a result, electrostatic disinfection is an ideal way to keep your office clean and healthy.

The Electrostatic Disinfection Process

Now that we've gone over the benefits of electrostatic disinfection, let's take a closer look at the process. It includes:

1. The electrostatic sprayer creates an electrical charge

When you add solution to the electrostatic sprayer, it creates an electrical charge. This charge is attracted to surfaces and helps the solution to bond with the surface.

2. The electrostatic sprayer sprays a fine mist

An electrostatic sprayer is a vital tool in the fight against germs and bacteria. By releasing a fine mist of solution onto surfaces, it helps to ensure that the solution comes into contact with all areas, including hard-to-reach places.

The electrical charge also helps to keep the solution in place, allowing it to penetrate deep into surfaces. As a result, the electrostatic sprayer is an extremely effective way of disinfecting surfaces and preventing the spread of disease.

3. The solution dries quickly

Because the electrostatic sprayer creates a fine mist, the solution dries quickly. This is convenient for busy offices where there is not always time for traditional cleaning methods.

4. The surfaces are now disinfected

As anyone who has ever cleaned a house knows, getting rid of dirt and grime is only part of the battle. Disinfecting surfaces is also essential for preventing the spread of illness, and this is where electrostatic cleaning comes in.

Also known as charged particle cleaning, electrostatic cleaning uses an electrical charge to kill bacteria and viruses. This makes it an effective way to clean surfaces and prevent the spread of illness.

5. The office is now clean and safe

A clean office is a happy office. And a safe office is an even happier office. The electrostatic disinfection process is a quick and easy way to keep your office clean and safe.

This type of cleaning is ideal for high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and keyboards. It's also great for hard-to-reach places like the tops of cabinets and the undersides of desks.

The best part is that electrostatic disinfection is effective against a wide range of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. So you can rest assured that your office is clean and safe.

Top Questions to ask a cleaning company about electrostatic disinfection

If you are considering electrostatic disinfection for your office, there are a few important questions to ask the cleaning company. They include:

1. What types of surfaces can be cleaned with electrostatic disinfection?

Electrostatic disinfection can be used on a variety of surfaces, but it is especially effective on high-touch surfaces. Door handles, light switches, and keyboards are all ideal surfaces for this type of cleaning.

The electrostatic process creates a charge that attracts and clings to the surface, ensuring that germs and bacteria are killed. This type of cleaning is quick and efficient, and it can help to reduce the spread of illness in your home or office.

2. Is Electrostatic disinfection safe for use around people and pets?

Traditional cleaning methods can be time-consuming and often require harsh chemicals that can be harmful to people and pets. Electrostatic disinfection offers a safe and effective alternative that can be used around people and pets.

The solutions used in electrostatic disinfection are safe for use around people and pets, making it a great option for busy offices. In addition, electrostatic disinfection is more effective than traditional cleaning methods and can help to reduce the spread of germs and illnesses.

As a result, electrostatic disinfection is a great option for busy offices that want to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

3. How long does the electrostatic disinfection process take?

The electrostatic disinfection process is a quick and easy way to keep your office clean and safe. This type of cleaning is ideal for high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and keyboards.

The process involves using an electrostatic sprayer to apply a disinfectant solution to surfaces. The solution is attracted to the surfaces by static electricity, providing comprehensive coverage.

The entire process can be completed in just a few minutes, making it a convenient way to keep your office clean.

Speak to a Professional About Electrostatic Disinfection Today

If you are looking for a safe, effective, and affordable way to keep your office clean, consider using electrostatic disinfection. This type of cleaning service is highly effective at preventing the spread of infection, and it is easy to use.

If you're interested in electrostatic disinfection, we highly recommend our services at Greenr Cleanr. With over a decade in the professional cleaning space, there's no challenge our team can't overcome. We work closely with your team to build a cleaning program that works with your specific needs.

Get a completely free quote today or call us at 1-888-995-0665.


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